Today's Reading:
Matthew 23:1-12
Numbers 22:41-23:26
Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1
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Thoughts and Commentary on Today's Reading:
Uncurseable! That's what God's people are, when they remain fully and faithfully under His Wings and Will! And that is the powerful and encouraging message we find in Numbers 22-23. Let's take a closer look at the amazing story of Balaam (the following is quoted from our book Called to Canaan Vol 3 pp 242-250)
The story of Balaam and his balking donkey has been a favorite among
children for generations. The tale unfolds in Numbers 22, where
we read that Israel had set up camp on the edge of the land of Moab, their last
location before crossing the Jordan River. The reception they received,
especially from the enticing, heathen women, was legendary. No one told them
that the Moabite King Balak had sent for the most powerful wizard in all of
Mesopotamia, to come against them.
Balak feared that Israel would
do to Moab what had been done to other nations. No one could defeat Arad’s
Amalekite forces (whose very name means “giants”), but, by the power of Yahweh, Israel had! Feeling threatened
by the nomadic Israelite multitudes now occupying his border territory, Balak,
the King of the Moabites, sought advice from his neighboring dignitaries. No
army had stood against Israel, nor prevailed against them in battle in the last
38 years. Fear gripped Balak’s heart. From among the gods, he had to find a
powerful curse that would destroy this threat, which is still a common practice
in witchcraft today.
The fact that Balak regarded
devil curses as his highest line of defense, speaks volumes about their value
of witchcraft as believed and practiced by these people of Moab and their
neighbors. It also gives a loud warning to us on the “Revelation-edge” of the “Promised
Inheritance.” Today, like Israel in Moab, most Christians ignore the dangers of
witchcraft, which are stealthfully gaining entrance into positions of power.
In his quest to destroy
Israel, Balak was counseled to send for Balaam, renowned as the best sorcerer
witchcraft had to offer. The Hebrew word, translated as Balaam, means “one who
destroys” is
referenced elsewhere in Scripture as the worship of Baal or Baalim (Hosea
2:17). Balaam could conjure the most powerful curses known among the nations.
So, while Israel was being “hospitably” entertained in Balak’s land, Balak was
privately seeking Balaam’s services, at any price.
A delegation from Moab was
sent to find and hire Balaam, the son of Beor
(which means “burning”). Balaam was the soothsayer who some claim had once been
a prophet of Yahweh, God of Israel,
although evidence is missing for that claim. What we can find, historically and
biblically, is tremendous evidence of his skill and knowledge as a wizard,
going all the way back to his childhood.
The Book of Jasher supplies
the infamous history of Balaam. His prestigious and dark career began early. He
was just fifteen years of age, when he was employed to conjure up demonic
spirits for Egypt against their enemies:
Amongst the servants of Angeas [of Africa]
was a youth fifteen years old, Balaam, the son of Beor was his name, and the youth was very wise and understood
the art of witchcraft. And Angeas said unto Balaam, Conjure for us, I pray
thee, with the witchcraft, that we may know who will prevail in this battle in
which we are now proceeding, Jasher 61:8, 9.
In ancient sorcery, polytheism
was practiced. A skillful practioner of the dark arts of witchcraft knew how to
appease all the “gods” of their intended victims. In so doing, the hapless
victim’s protection was removed, allowing for a successful curse. This was
Balaam’s approach, as we can discover from the records of Jasher, as well as in
the Scriptures.
Balaam’s first recorded brush
with Yahweh took place during his
employment with Egypt, who was at war with Zepho of Africa. But, while Egypt
won against its enemies, it wasn’t because of Balaam’s sorcery! Rather it was
because Israel’s men fought on the side of Egypt, and the God of Israel
prevailed. Balaam knew the victory was not his, but was Yahweh’s. Thus, his first encounter with Yahweh made quite an impression on young Balaam.
And Balaam rose up and tried the art of
divination… But he was confused and the work was destroyed in his hand, 29And he tried it again but it did not succeed, and Balaam despaired of
it and left it and did not complete it, for this was from the Lord, in
order to cause Zepho [of Africa] and his people to fall into the hand of the
Children of Israel, who had trusted in the Lord, the God of their ancestors, in
their war, Jasher 64:28-29.
One of the amazing things
about walking with God… is that (His) people are uncursable!
The next recorded mention of Balaam shows that he next joined the
sorcerers of Egypt. He moved to Egypt, still a youth, where he continued to
climb the ladder of success through witchcraft.
Moses, at that time was a young man, being educated to rule Egypt. Coming
often into the palace, Balaam, who may have been much younger than Moses,
brushed shoulders with him on occasion. As one of pharaoh’s youngest seers,
Balaam’s spirits informed him that Moses would ultimately bring down Egypt. But
Pharaoh didn’t heed this warning out of love for his “adopted son.” Perhaps,
Pharaoh attributed Balaam’s concern to youthful jealousy. But whatever the reason, Pharaoh’s failure to
heed Balaam’s warning was yet another evidence of Yahweh’s protection over Moses’ life.
Later, Balaam again surfaced,
according to the Book of Jasher, showing his fame throughout the Middle East. Under
the employ of the Amorite king Sihon, he cursed the Moabites. This curse caused
the Amorites to win territory from them, during the time while Israel was at Kadesh, in the first month of the
fortieth year from their departure from Egypt. This success was credited to the
witchcraft of Balaam. By this time, his fame was renowned throughout the Middle
And Sihon gave numerous presents of silver
and gold to Beor and Balaam his son, and he dismissed them, and they went to
Mesopotamia to their home and country, Jasher 84:22.
Yahweh told (Balaam) plainly
that he would not be permitted to curse the ones whom He had blessed!
With that history of success, Balaam was called to bring victory to
the Moabites against Israel. The Moabite emissaries found Balaam in Mesopotamia.
They attempted to persuade him to return to Moab with them, but Balaam stalled,
saying that he must consult Israel’s God for permission. The truth was, that
from his prior experience, he knew his witchcraft would not work unless Yahweh was angry with Israel. He
remembered his past brushes with the supreme power of the God of Israel.
Thus, Balaam waited and
consulted with Yahweh, Who remarkably
condescended to answer him! One of the amazing things about walking with our
God, as Israel was as they descended the mountains of Abarim, is that His people are uncurseable! Balaam was motivated to
curse Israel by Balak’s promise of great wealth. Yet, Yahweh told him plainly that he would not be permitted to curse the
ones whom He had blessed.
With the answer from Yahweh that Israel may only be blessed,
Balaam sent the messengers back to Moab with his rejection of their offer. He
would not be embarrassed. There was no curse that could penetrate the shield of
Yahweh’s Protection.
King Balak
was not satisfied with Balaam’s answer. Believing Balaam was holding out for
more money, he sent more incentives with greater appeal to the covetous and prideful
heart. Once again, Balaam grudgingly realized that he must get permission from
Israel’s God, or he would not be successful. This time, however, Yahweh told Balaam to go with Balak’s
men IF they called for him again. But, instead of waiting for
their call, Balaam excitedly pursued the ambassadors from Balak, stepping
outside God’s specific instructions.
He was eager to do what he wanted to gain the reward, yet thought he
could do so without entering the “curse zone” of Yahweh, which would ruin his reputation, and maybe take his life.
To understand Balaam’s actions, we need to remember that it was
culturally and politically “correct” to acknowledge the gods of all religions,
doing what was required by each in any given situation. It was the “When-in-Rome-do-as-the-Romans-do”
principle. Balaam sought permission of Israel’s God, just as he had sought the
approval of the false gods (demonic spirits) numerous times. It was all the
same to him, except that Israel’s God was very powerful, as he knew from
personal experience.
Balaam quickly pursued, in the hopes of overtaking Balak’s
retreating envoy. And it was on this hasty journey that one of the most amazing
stories in all of Bible took place.
Balaam met an angel of Yahweh
who blocked his passage through a canyon. Three times, his donkey saw the angel
and responded by shying away, crushing Balaam’s foot against the canyon rocks
in the process. Unable to see the angel himself, Balaam jumped off his donkey
and beat the animal unmercifully. Suddenly, Yahweh
opened the donkey’s mouth and it spoke to him. But, so angry was Balaam, that
he actually carried on a conversation with his donkey!
At last Yahweh
opened Balaam’s eyes and let him behold the angel, standing before him with a
drawn sword. Finally, Balaam understood why his faithful beast had shied those
three times, saving his life.
Yahweh opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel of Yahweh standing in
the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and he bowed down his head, and fell
flat on his face. And the angel of
Yahweh said unto him… Behold, I went out to withstand thee, because thy way is
perverse before Me. And the ass saw me, and turned from me these three times.
Unless she had turned from me, surely now also I had slain thee, and saved her
alive. And Balaam said unto the angel of Yahweh, I have sinned; for I knew not
that thou stoodest in the way against me: now therefore, if it displease thee,
I will get me back again. And the angel of Yahweh said unto Balaam, Go with the
men: but only the word that I shall speak unto thee, that thou shalt speak. So
Balaam went with the princes
of Balak, Numbers 22:31-35.
One of the amazing things
about walking with God… is that (His) people are uncursable!
Yahweh told (Balaam) plainly
that he would not be permitted to curse the ones whom He had blessed!
Balaam, like so many today, tried to appear compliant with Yah’s Word, while justifying his willful
disregard for His Authority. Balaam knew not that the Angel was opposing him,
until his eyes were opened. Balaam then acknowledged his offense, and offered
to return home. But the Angel of Yahweh
told him to proceed, with the stipulation that he would only be able to speak
what Yahweh put into his mouth.
Demons, as a rule, speak lies; yet, there have been times
when demons were forced to speak the truth. An example is found in Luke 4:34, where
the demon speaking through a man, said, “I know who You are, the Holy One of Yahweh!” Again, in Acts 19:13, a man
with an evil spirit was encouraging the crowd to listen to Paul. Now, the
demonically empowered Balaam was about to become such a case. Balaam was an
evil sorcerer, but he would have to speak the Truth of the Almighty.
There was a time when one of my mother's high
school student, obviously involved in the occult, interrupted English class to
ask her, “What would you do if I put a curse on you?”
Responding aloud for all to
hear she replied, “I wouldn’t do anything, José. I worship the Supreme God of the Universe,
Who is much more powerful than your curses!”
The class resounded with
“Ooooo’s!” at the “ultimate burn” and the subject was dropped.
Even the most powerful
sorcerey of the greatest wizard of the then-known world, could not
penetrate the Protection of Almighty God.
But clearly, without the protection of Yahweh, there is real danger from those who practice the occult. During
those twenty-three years of high school teaching, Yahweh consistently turned
the efforts of the Enemy into witnessing opportunities of His greater Power.
This is exactly what Yahweh did for
Israel in the story of Balaam.
Balaam soon arrived in Moab
and accompanied Balak to the “high places” of Ba’al worship. Ba’al means
“lord,” but is a reference to Satan. From these sites of devil worship, Balaam
would be paid to curse Israel. He had just encountered an Angel of Yahweh, and had been in fear for his
life. He had just been told that he would only be able to speak Yah’s Words over Israel. Yet, amazingly,
he still tried to pronounce a curse over the protected people of the Almighty
God of Israel!
Balaam attempted to curse
Israel in numerous sites, all the way from Shittim unto Gilgal. But in spite of
his repeated efforts, Balaam could only bless them. Israel was uncurseable.
O My people, remember
now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered
him from Shittim unto Gilgal; that ye may know the righteousness of Yahweh,
Micah 6:5.
From high place to high place, Balaam had altars built for sacrifice, in
the hope of appeasing the God of Heaven. Pisgah
was one of the seven sites from which Balaam attempted to curse Israel. He moved from place to place, finally
concluding in Gilgal, which was across the river and only a few miles from
Balaam was teamed with the
dark “watchers,” going about at Satan’s command, “seeking whom he may devour”
(1 Peter 5:8). But again and again, Yahweh
blessed His people, and did not allow any of Balaam’s malicious plans to
penetrate His Protective Shield. So uncursable was Israel, while they
faithfully remained in Yahweh’s Hand,
that Balaam was forced to prophesy blessing upon them.
And when he came to
him, behold, he stood by his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him.
And Balak said unto him, What hath Yahweh spoken? And he took up his parable, and said, Rise
up, Balak, and hear; hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor: God is not a man,
that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He
said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?
Behold, I have received Commandment to bless: and He hath blessed; and I
cannot reverse it. He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen
perverseness in Israel: Yahweh his God is with him, and the shout of a king
is among them. God brought them out of Egypt; He hath as it were the strength
of an unicorn. Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is
there any divination against Israel,” Numbers 23:17-23.
But, when God’s people trust and obey Him, He promises to be their Shield and
Protection.Within the Shield of the Almighty, Israel was truly uncurseable.
Even the most powerful sorcery of the greatest wizard of the then-known world,
could not penetrate the Protection of Almighty God!
Even the most powerful
sorcerey of the greatest wizard of the then-known world, could not
penetrate the Protection of Almighty God.
