Monday, October 14, 2024

Torah Class - Day 11: Studies of Chakras-Chi and Energies continued

Today we continued study of the Statutes relating to the 6th Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill"

We are focusing on shocking and little-known ways to "kill" ourselves, through natural remedies. Specifically, we are focusing on exposing the New Age - Occult reality of Chakras and Chi (aka energy)

Here are a few highlights from class today:

Torah teaches that we are not to “kill ourselves, one bite at a time”…  We see this in the clean-unclean food Laws…  It is also a factor regarding witchcraft… Witchcraft manifests all over the place in the category of natural healing:

Natural Remedies are not all wrong!

  • The Bible tells that the Tree of Life has “leaves” that are for the “healing of the Nations”.
  • We will have become immortal at the Second Coming, so what “healing” remains?
  • “We will grow up like calves of the stall”…  rapid growth… This is the healing that comes from eating of the leaves.
  • Obviously, Yahweh uses natural remedies at times.
The Fruit of the Natural Remedies needs to be considered:

Our vested interest should not be the remedy, but rather the blessing of Yahweh.

If we seek healing from Hell – Hell can heal an affliction (at least it looks convincing) – You can’t judge if something is good or evil by whether or not it works – we are cursed! It is a path of death, even if it works!

If we seek healing from Heaven –we are blessed! We must not seek healing at any cost, but must rather remain submitted under Yahweh.

KEY POINT: There are no such things as impersonal energies (scientific). You are either dealing with demons or the power of Yahweh. Big difference – but Yahshua brings Life, and demons bring Death.

· “Every religion that worships and serves demons is a form of Satanism, no matter what the demons are called – energies, vibrations, pagan gods, spirit entities, etc… You learn very quickly in witchcraft that there are NO such things as impersonal energies (a scientific energy would be “impersonal” – if it is an entity it is personal) They are all VERY personal. You are either dealing with demons or the power of God, and humans cannot control the power of God (regulate). So anyone that is controlling an ‘energy’ or ‘power’ of any kind is dealing with demons (100% of the time). It is just that simple.” Becoming a Vessel of Honor, p 39 and 238, by Rebecca Brown.

The control of energies is a vital part of Yoga and meditation and is predominant among alternative medical practices.

A major study on meditation asked respondents to check characteristics of their meditative experience. One description was: “I felt a great surge of energy within me or around me.” Meditators whose experience could be described in this manner were to check this item. Significantly, it received the highest “loading score” of all 16 items in the category of “intensification and change of consciousness.” (Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, p 387)

Releasing energy, raising energy, transforming energy, directing energy and controlling energy are increasingly accepted and common practices. However, researchers John Ankerber and John Weldon are very clear in their conclusion that these are practices from the occult (demons), and are thereby demonic:

“Experiencing a “great surge of energy” was therefore a dominant characteristic of the meditative experience (… Yoga). The authors related this to the spiritualistic mana of Polynesian shamanism and the occult prana, or kundalini of Hinduism…

The experience of a surge of energy or power is also related to the cultivation of altered states of consciousness. Thus, meditation is a profoundly transformative process, for when practiced intensely, meditation disciplines almost invariably lead into the occult realm of experience.

The mysterious, dramatic energy experienced in New Age meditation is characteristically the result of spiritual influence (demons are at work)… “energy manifestations” are so often associated with spiritism, that we have no doubt that this energy is not human, and certainly not divine, but demonic.” (Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, pp 387-388).

The deceptive message/packaging: Chakras are “energy centers” in the body, and chi is the “life force” that flows through the body. This is a lie!

Chakras – In many Eastern and spiritual belief systems, chakras are energy centers that are thought to spin and allow life energy to flow through the body. The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “cycle”. There are 7 main chakras that run from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with a different demonic entity.

The identity of the demons with each chakra point is from Raven Synthx, in Natural Satanic Witchcraft

Chakra 1: Root – demon: Belial

·  (this demon is unleashed in the person by “unblocking” or “opening” or “accessing” this root chakra).

“Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation, representing the earth element it is related to our survival instincts, our sense of grounding and the connection of our bodies and the physical plane. This chakra is responsible for health, prosperity and security.”

Completed worksheets from this class are viewable and printable at the following link:

Upcoming Class Schedule:

Wednesday, October 16 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

LWM FALL RETREAT, October 18-26 - FEAST OF TABERNACLES-LAST GREAT DAY...  Join us online for two to three broadcasts daily during this special Fall Retreat... The broadcasts will be viewable on our website at: www.lightedway.orgThere will not be any online classes during these dates.

FALL BREAK , October 28-31 - There will not be any online classes during these dates.

Monday, November 4 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Wednesday, November 6 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.