Monday, September 2, 2024

Torah Class - Day 1: Shema vs Trinity

Welcome to Torah Class: 24-25! It is a joy to have you with me on this Torah-study journey this year! 

We are starting off our Torah studies this year with a more in-depth look at the Shema. Here are a few highlights from class today:

Deuteronomy 6:5-9Hear (Shema), O Israel: Yahweh our God is one Yah: And thou shalt love Yahweh thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:  And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” 

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 is known as the Shema, which is the Hebrew word translated as “Hear” at the start of the Passage. Shema means: “hear, listen intelligently (with a desire to understand), obey, live by, and proclaim it to others as a witness”

·  The Shema is the heart of the Torah – and the center of all Scripture. All Light (Truth) radiates out from this center point, which is the epicenter of all Scriptural Truth. We may know this because:

o   Isaiah 8:20 – says the Law is the Light-test of all teachings (Scripture included)

o   Mark 12:29-31 – Yahshua said the Shema was the first and greatest of the Torah Commandments, clearly indicating its supremacy and central status in the Torah.

o   Paul declared that “love is the fulfilling of the Law” – Romans 13:10. This indicates that when we truly and fully love Yahweh, as commanded in the Shema, we will be living in full compliance with the whole Torah.

o   Because of its central position in Scripture-Torah included, the Shema is to be the center of our thoughts in morning and evening worship times, in travel time, and moments of relaxation. 

While the Shema is the heart of the Torah (and all Scripture), the heart of paganism is its opposite: the Trinity doctrine…

Completed worksheets from this class (previous year, as no worksheet for this year is completed yet) are viewable and printable at the following link:

As we all know, the hour is late. As a result, none of us knows how long internet classes can be continued... But, bearing this reality in mind, the following is our schedule for this year:

From the start of September, 2024 to the end of May, 2025, we are scheduled to meet online from 10-11 AM (PST) on Mondays and Wednesdays.

The following is our upcoming class schedule for September, 2024:

Wednesday, September 4 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Monday, September 9 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom. 

Wednesday, September 11 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Monday, September 16 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom. 

Wednesday, September 18 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Monday, September 23 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom. 

Wednesday, September 25 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Monday, September 30 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom. 

Wednesday, October 2 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.