Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Torah Class - Day 53: Commandment 5: Tithing

Today, we continued studying the Statutes which are under the Fifth Commandment and relate to honoring our Heavenly Father. We discussed how honoring our parents is not only about giving honor to our human parents. It is first about honoring our Heavenly Father, which we do in rendering our tithes unto Him.

Completed worksheets from this class are viewable and printable at the following link:

As you know, due to a loss of internet, we were unable to have class on Monday, May 6. 

As a make-up for this loss of class, we will (based upon the vote taken in today's class) be having a make-up class on Monday, June 3, 2024. 

For this reason, the official last day, prior to summer break, for the Torah class will be June 3rd. 

As we all know, the hour is late. As a result, none of us knows how long internet classes can be continued... 

But, bearing this reality in mind, after prayerful consideration, I do believe I should set the plans in motion to hold a Torah Class next year also. 

Please know, these plans are subject to the Father's Will and Provision. So, tentatively, I am praying about having the following schedule for next year:

From the start of September, 2024 to the end of May, 2025, we would meet online - like this year (as long as possible, and for the whole term if we can) from 10-11 AM (PST) on Mondays and Wednesdays (same schedule as this year).

Pre-registering for this up-coming Torah class means that you and I would keep this schedule and plan in motion for as long as we're able, with the hope of finishing at the end of May. 

Because this is a tentative arrangement, prayerfully being undertaken, I would ask that you don't plan to pay for the whole next year in advance...  Let's keep this on a month-by-month basis. I certainly don't want to overcharge anyone for classes I cannot provide, nor make promises I cannot keep!

So, for now, I am just taking a poll to see how many of you would like to tentatively pre-register for Torah Class starting on Monday, September 2, 2024 (after the summer break).

Please let me know. Thanks!

The following is our class schedule for May-June, 2024:

Mon & Wed, May 27 & 29 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom, on both these days.

Mon only, June 3 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom, as a special make-up class. This will be our last Torah class for this year.