Thursday, December 21, 2017

Daily Bible Reading - December 21, 2017

Today's Reading:

Luke 1:1-25

Ezekiel 33

Isaiah 57

Listen to the Bible







Thoughts and Commentary on Today's Reading   

It may seem strange, at first, to be starting the book of Luke after having just finished Colossians. But the order in which we're completing the Bible reading is intentionally randomized to keep it spicy :-) Don't worry, though, by December 31, we will have read it all, cover to cover.

Just taking a quick pole...

How many of you out there are reading the Bible through this year for the first time? 

How many have read it more than once? 

Some of you may have started late and will only have read the latter portions...  (If that's the case, no worries, we are going do it all over again next year, so you'll get there if you keep participating in this blog.) 

Where are you at in your goal of reading the Bible through? 

Also, what have you gained from what you've read this far? Is there anything that stands out in your mind - perhaps a special gem that you came across that you hadn't noticed before?