Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Torah Class - Day 10: Studies of Chakras-Chi


Today we started our next study of the Statutes relating to the 6th Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill". We are focusing on shocking and little-known ways to "kill" ourselves, through natural remedies. Specifically, we are focusing on exposing the New Age - Occult truth of Chakras and Chi (aka energy)

Here are a few highlights from class today:

Torah teaches that we are not to “kill ourselves, one bite at a time”…  We see this in the clean-unclean food Laws…  It is also a factor regarding witchcraft… Witchcraft manifests all over the place in the category of natural healing:

Natural Remedies are not all wrong!

  • The Bible tells that the Tree of Life has “leaves” that are for the “healing of the Nations”.
  • We will have become immortal at the Second Coming, so what “healing” remains?
  • “We will grow up like calves of the stall”…  rapid growth… This is the healing that comes from eating of the leaves.
  • Obviously, Yahweh uses natural remedies at times.
The Fruit of the Natural Remedies needs to be considered:

Our vested interest should not be the remedy, but rather the blessing of Yahweh.

If we seek healing from Hell – Hell can heal an affliction (at least it looks convincing) – You can’t judge if something is good or evil by whether or not it works – we are cursed! It is a path of death, even if it works!

If we seek healing from Heavenwe are blessed! We must not seek healing at any cost, but must rather remain submitted under Yahweh.

There are three (in the Bible) categories of sickness:

  • Sickness due to sin.
  • Sickness unto death.
  • Sickness for the glory of God.
There are New Age (demonic) doorways into our lives through ungodly Natural Remedies

Prepare for War, p 123 (Rebecca Brown) – “…Many of the health food stores are actually fronts for Hindu gurus. Much of the New Age Hindu teachings are presented as ‘scientific’.”

Keys to recognize the things of Hell in “natural remedies”:

Terminology: chakras, chi (qi, prana, orgone, energy…) – 100% of the time, these terms are DEMONIC ENERGY. All life-energies are supernatural—and energies that you can “control” are really demonic! (Escaping from the Dragon’s Jaws, Shauna Manfredine, p 195)

“In my subsequent research on energies for the writing of this book, I discovered that many others have the same misconcep­tion about energies as I did. Being as influenced by New Age principles as our society has become, “controlling” energies is now commonplace. We have been indoctrinated to view ener­gies as impersonal “forces,” through movies, churches, natural healing practices, meditation, martial arts, and witchcraft. Increasingly, controlling and manipulating energies is found in every walk of life, ranging from the “Light” of Christianity to the dark of witchcraft and Satanism. As John Ankerberg and John Weldon point out in their co-authored volume titled, The Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, “one of the principle features of New Age practice is the belief in a universal or cosmic energy circulating throughout the body (e.g. prana, chi, mana, orgone, or ki…) This energy can be manipulated for various spiritual or psychological purposes, and it is even palpable,” (Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs, “Spiritistic Energy Manifestations,” p 387.)
The realization that manipulating energies is demonic, begins with only a brief amount of research. This energy, and the con­trol of it, is well known in the occult world. It is called the Odic Force, because of its association with the pagan god, Odin. The control of this mystic energy is a vital part of occult worship and practice all around the world.
“The word for ki in different cultures usu­ally carries implications of both “breath” and “spirit” linking the material and the immate­rial… In Sanskrit (it is) prana, in Chinese, chi; in Polynesian, mana… In bushmen (tribes) n/um …Anton Mesmer’s “Magnetic Fluid,” Von Reichenbach’s Odic Force,” and Wilhelm Reich’s “Orgone Energy” all deal with ki.
Ki is an energy which is inherently linked with life and consciousness, and which can produce direct effects on physical energies and matter… Ki can be directed by conscious intention… The ki is developed through conscious linking of physical movement, breathing and focused attention.
The ki thus developed, may be stored, usually in the hara (psychic center), or lower abdomen and pelvis, and may be directed at will to whatever task is undertaken. Many healing methods use the direction of ki to the effected part (of the body)… Ki comes in dif­ferent “currents” and “voltages…” So as well as the task of accumulating the ki there is also the process of “refining” it, raising its “voltage” and establishing connections to more expanded penetrative levels of consciousness,” (Peter Payne, Martial Arts: The Spiritual Dimension, pp. 44-45.)

Completed worksheets from this class are viewable and printable at the following link:

Upcoming Class Schedule:

Sabbath-Sunday, October 12-13 - FEAST OF ATONEMENT...  Join us online for a Day of Atonement themed broadcast at 2 PM (PST) on Sabbath and Sunday (the Day of Atonement)... The broadcasts will be viewable on our website at: 

Monday, October 14 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Wednesday, October 16 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

LWM FALL RETREAT, October 18-26 - FEAST OF TABERNACLES-LAST GREAT DAY...  Join us online for two to three broadcasts daily during this special Fall Retreat... The broadcasts will be viewable on our website at: www.lightedway.orgThere will not be any online classes during these dates.

FALL BREAK , October 28-31 - There will not be any online classes during these dates.

Monday, November 4 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.

Wednesday, November 6 - Torah Class will meet, as scheduled, live on Zoom.