Monday, March 10, 2025

Torah Class - Day 43: Tenth Commandment and Statutes


Today we began our study of the Statutes under the Tenth Commandment, "Thou shalt not covet..." We'll be concluding our study of the Tenth Commandment and Statutes on Wednesday.


The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Torah Class will be on an extended Sabbatical - Starting March 16 - due to me needing to take a Book-writing Hiatus from Classes - this is necessary, in order for me to finish writing my book Ancient Hebrew in the Stars (which I've been working on for 2 years... way too long! lol!)  

Currently, I am planning to continue classes through March 12. For this reason, I am only asking 1/2 the regular class fee amount for the month of March. Thank you for your understanding! 

Is this a permanent end to Shauna Manfredine's online classes? After the book is finished, I prayerfully plan to reach out to everyone in the classes to restart them. I will keep you informed as plans-dates develop. 

Wednesday, March 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Torah Class - Day 42: Statutes of the Ninth Commandment (conclusion)

Today we concluded our study of Statutes under the Ninth Commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." We'll be starting the Tenth Commandment and Statutes on Monday.



HALLELUYAH occurs in Psalm 135. In fact, this Psalm both begins and ends with HALLELUYAH. The whole Psalm will not be quoted, but it would be well if you took time to read the whole thing, for it is a most precious Psalm. You will find that it is a contrast between YAH and His chosen people as opposed to idols. To clarify what IDOLS means is a necessity. Idols not only refer to carved and molten images, but the root meaning is far deeper. And, in conjunction with this is the use of HALLELUYAH which gives the victory over the IDOLS. Never belittle the power of HALLELUYAH especially in the hour in which we are living, for manifold and extensive are the IDOLS with which we have to deal.

The Hebrew word IDOL comes from a root which means to CARVE, FABRICATE, FASHION and extends to mean WORRY, PAIN, ANGER. It further means to AFFLICT, LAMENT. It expands to include GRIEVE, SORROW, WORSHIP, WREST. It even means BODILY or MENTAL PAIN. And, it also intimates LABOR and WORKMAN. Now, the question is, "What does all this have to do with the word HALLELUYAH?" Much! Much!

This whole Psalm contrasts PRAISE as opposed to IDOLS. We have little realized the power of praise and the use of HALLELUYAH against all the things involved in the meaning of IDOLS. Let us consider them one by one and how to cope with them. If we could see a literal idol carved of stone or wood or made of silver and gold, we would immediately turn away from it knowing it was false, but the underlying meanings of the word IDOL give us a totally different picture.

First, we have the meaning of CARVE, FABRICATE, FASHION. This does not mean we have to see a material idol, but in our minds and thinking we carve out certain images, fabricate into mental substance various forms of "G-d," and fashion Him according to our past teachings or preconceived ideas. FALSE IDEAS of the Most High are so prevalent, and often we do not even realize these idols are set up in our minds. But, as the light of knowledge is turned on and searches out our mental processes, we begin to see that our Yahweh is not at all like we have pictured Him to be. This is where HALLELUYAH comes into play. This kind of praise raises Him above our ideas and places Him in His rightful and honored place in our very thoughts. It casts down the false ideas and enthrones Him within.

Second, did you realize that WORRY is a minor idol that usurps the place of El Elyon? In itself worry creates pictures and images of things and beings that are not true, not real, not virile except as we give them that place. The greatest weapon against WORRY is the use of HALLELUYAH – all praise to YAH!!! Then the true EL (the Strong One) takes over the realm of worry and turns it into faith. Don't let your worries become your idol! HALLELUYAH will destroy this idol!

Third, even PAIN becomes an idol that we magnify and glorify. Never have the saints been so afflicted and so pain ridden as now, even to the point of being worn out by the same. Pain is so obvious and so all consuming that it exalts itself to the place of being an idol in many lives. Yet many are learning that pain itself can be conquered by the use of praise through HALLELUYAH. This is not an easy battle against a formidable idol, but it is part of that great overcoming to which we are being brought.

Four, ANGER is an idol that exalts itself against every other person and even against the person in whom it is manifest. It burns like a flame of fire consuming all peace and tranquility. It becomes so powerful and such a high standing idol that it takes something entirely supernatural to abase it and conquer it. When anger flares, the one sure cure is HALLELUYAH, even when one does not feel like "halleluyah-ing." It is making the choice between the idol of anger and the position of power of the Most High.

Five, LAMENTING creates an idol of negative forces. To lament circumstances and problems and people but set up an idol to block the way to victory. Therefore the attitude must be changed against such things, until rather than lamenting we shout HALLELUYAH! Such praise destroys the idol of lamentation and fills the mouth and heart and mind with praise to HIM who is worthy.

Six, WORSHIP can also become an idol that must be cast down. Through the years we have all experienced and seen various types of so-called worship – from noise to silence, from chanting to vociferous shouting, from formal singing to charismatic humming, from jumping to prostration, etc. Just name it, and all sorts of things have been termed as worship. And each type finally produces an idol of form to which all sorts of spirits can attach themselves. In fact, let me add right here that any kind of FORM that we adopt but makes an occasion for the enemy to imitate and take over a position in the midst of the people. Therefore the idol of worship must be dethroned until only HALLELUYAH leads us into worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.

Seven, to WREST means to TWIST, STRETCH, BEND in scriptural usage. We live in a day when it seems that every vestige of truth is being twisted, stretched and bent. And, this bent truth then becomes an idol to be worshipped and fought for. In our own thinking, there is much stretched and twisted truth to be straightened out, but as long as there remains "the love of the truth," then it will be righted. Learn to praise and honor HIM, learn the benefits of HALLELUYAH, and every twisted idol will be brought down.

Eight, even LABOR can become an idol whereby people become workaholics. You do not even have to have a job of eight hours a day to become this, but just the everyday tasks can so rule the life that work becomes an idol to be obeyed. So many of us fall into this class of idol worshippers, but HALLELUYAH and praise will right it and give us the release that we so desperately need.

Many more things could be added to the idols that demand our attention, but whatever those idols are, they will all fall at the true praise of His people. HALLELUYAH will dethrone them.

As we come to the end of Psalm 135 we are given a picture of those who praise and bless the Most High, those who conquer the idols by their HALLELUYAH's. Verses 19 and 20 state, "Bless Yahweh, O house of Israel: Bless Yahweh, O house of Aaron: Bless Yahweh, O house of Levi: Ye that fear Yahweh, bless Yahweh." Four categories are given – House of ISRAEL, House of AARON, House of LEVI, and FEARERS or TRUSTERS. These are the ones who will tear down the idols and replace them with praise and HALLELUYAH.

ISRAEL means RULING WITH EL. Those who enter into a rulership position with the Most High will give no place to idols in body, soul or spirit. Out of their minds in particular will they cast the idols of worry, anger, lamentation, etc. Ruling with EL will mean some long battles as it did with Jacob, but he finally prevailed, and so will you. There is no easy way to victory, but HALLELUYAH does bear you through the battle and into victory.

AARON means INITIATED or ENLIGHTENED, and it is those enlightened ones who will use HALLELUYAH to an advantage of thrusting down the idols of twisted ideas and false worship. These are the ones who have passed through the initiation processes to make them one with all the enlightened of all ages.

LEVI means JOINED, and those joined unto Yahshua are one with the Vine in whose branches flow the fullness of life. They are joined because they have cut themselves off from the idols and joined themselves only unto HIM. Their praise and HALLELUYAH have disconnected them from idols of LABOR and ANGER and joined them rather unto YAHWEH.

Plus, those that FEAR or TRUST Him have debased the idols particularly of WORRY so that they rest in His wisdom and faithfulness trusting in His goodness. They no longer see the spectres of what could be or might be, but they see only that HE will do what HE has promised. — Dethrone your idols with HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH!


The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Torah Class will be on an extended Sabbatical - Starting March 16 - due to me needing to take a Book-writing Hiatus from Classes - this is necessary, in order for me to finish writing my book Ancient Hebrew in the Stars (which I've been working on for 2 years... way too long! lol!)  

Currently, I am planning to continue classes through March 12. For this reason, I am only asking 1/2 the regular class fee amount for the month of March. Thank you for your understanding! 

Is this a permanent end to Shauna Manfredine's online classes? After the book is finished, I prayerfully plan to reach out to everyone in the classes to restart them. I will keep you informed as plans-dates develop. 

Monday, March 10 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Torah Class - Day 41: Statutes of the Ninth Commandment


Today we began our study of Statutes under the Ninth Commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." 



HALLELUYAH occurs in Psalm 135. In fact, this Psalm both begins and ends with HALLELUYAH. The whole Psalm will not be quoted, but it would be well if you took time to read the whole thing, for it is a most precious Psalm. You will find that it is a contrast between YAH and His chosen people as opposed to idols. To clarify what IDOLS means is a necessity. Idols not only refer to carved and molten images, but the root meaning is far deeper. And, in conjunction with this is the use of HALLELUYAH which gives the victory over the IDOLS. Never belittle the power of HALLELUYAH especially in the hour in which we are living, for manifold and extensive are the IDOLS with which we have to deal.

The Hebrew word IDOL comes from a root which means to CARVE, FABRICATE, FASHION and extends to mean WORRY, PAIN, ANGER. It further means to AFFLICT, LAMENT. It expands to include GRIEVE, SORROW, WORSHIP, WREST. It even means BODILY or MENTAL PAIN. And, it also intimates LABOR and WORKMAN. Now, the question is, "What does all this have to do with the word HALLELUYAH?" Much! Much!

This whole Psalm contrasts PRAISE as opposed to IDOLS. We have little realized the power of praise and the use of HALLELUYAH against all the things involved in the meaning of IDOLS. Let us consider them one by one and how to cope with them. If we could see a literal idol carved of stone or wood or made of silver and gold, we would immediately turn away from it knowing it was false, but the underlying meanings of the word IDOL give us a totally different picture.

First, we have the meaning of CARVE, FABRICATE, FASHION. This does not mean we have to see a material idol, but in our minds and thinking we carve out certain images, fabricate into mental substance various forms of "G-d," and fashion Him according to our past teachings or preconceived ideas. FALSE IDEAS of the Most High are so prevalent, and often we do not even realize these idols are set up in our minds. But, as the light of knowledge is turned on and searches out our mental processes, we begin to see that our Yahweh is not at all like we have pictured Him to be. This is where HALLELUYAH comes into play. This kind of praise raises Him above our ideas and places Him in His rightful and honored place in our very thoughts. It casts down the false ideas and enthrones Him within.

Second, did you realize that WORRY is a minor idol that usurps the place of El Elyon? In itself worry creates pictures and images of things and beings that are not true, not real, not virile except as we give them that place. The greatest weapon against WORRY is the use of HALLELUYAH – all praise to YAH!!! Then the true EL (the Strong One) takes over the realm of worry and turns it into faith. Don't let your worries become your idol! HALLELUYAH will destroy this idol!

Third, even PAIN becomes an idol that we magnify and glorify. Never have the saints been so afflicted and so pain ridden as now, even to the point of being worn out by the same. Pain is so obvious and so all consuming that it exalts itself to the place of being an idol in many lives. Yet many are learning that pain itself can be conquered by the use of praise through HALLELUYAH. This is not an easy battle against a formidable idol, but it is part of that great overcoming to which we are being brought.

Four, ANGER is an idol that exalts itself against every other person and even against the person in whom it is manifest. It burns like a flame of fire consuming all peace and tranquility. It becomes so powerful and such a high standing idol that it takes something entirely supernatural to abase it and conquer it. When anger flares, the one sure cure is HALLELUYAH, even when one does not feel like "halleluyah-ing." It is making the choice between the idol of anger and the position of power of the Most High.

Five, LAMENTING creates an idol of negative forces. To lament circumstances and problems and people but set up an idol to block the way to victory. Therefore the attitude must be changed against such things, until rather than lamenting we shout HALLELUYAH! Such praise destroys the idol of lamentation and fills the mouth and heart and mind with praise to HIM who is worthy.

Six, WORSHIP can also become an idol that must be cast down. Through the years we have all experienced and seen various types of so-called worship – from noise to silence, from chanting to vociferous shouting, from formal singing to charismatic humming, from jumping to prostration, etc. Just name it, and all sorts of things have been termed as worship. And each type finally produces an idol of form to which all sorts of spirits can attach themselves. In fact, let me add right here that any kind of FORM that we adopt but makes an occasion for the enemy to imitate and take over a position in the midst of the people. Therefore the idol of worship must be dethroned until only HALLELUYAH leads us into worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.

Seven, to WREST means to TWIST, STRETCH, BEND in scriptural usage. We live in a day when it seems that every vestige of truth is being twisted, stretched and bent. And, this bent truth then becomes an idol to be worshipped and fought for. In our own thinking, there is much stretched and twisted truth to be straightened out, but as long as there remains "the love of the truth," then it will be righted. Learn to praise and honor HIM, learn the benefits of HALLELUYAH, and every twisted idol will be brought down.

Eight, even LABOR can become an idol whereby people become workaholics. You do not even have to have a job of eight hours a day to become this, but just the everyday tasks can so rule the life that work becomes an idol to be obeyed. So many of us fall into this class of idol worshippers, but HALLELUYAH and praise will right it and give us the release that we so desperately need.

Many more things could be added to the idols that demand our attention, but whatever those idols are, they will all fall at the true praise of His people. HALLELUYAH will dethrone them.

As we come to the end of Psalm 135 we are given a picture of those who praise and bless the Most High, those who conquer the idols by their HALLELUYAH's. Verses 19 and 20 state, "Bless Yahweh, O house of Israel: Bless Yahweh, O house of Aaron: Bless Yahweh, O house of Levi: Ye that fear Yahweh, bless Yahweh." Four categories are given – House of ISRAEL, House of AARON, House of LEVI, and FEARERS or TRUSTERS. These are the ones who will tear down the idols and replace them with praise and HALLELUYAH.

ISRAEL means RULING WITH EL. Those who enter into a rulership position with the Most High will give no place to idols in body, soul or spirit. Out of their minds in particular will they cast the idols of worry, anger, lamentation, etc. Ruling with EL will mean some long battles as it did with Jacob, but he finally prevailed, and so will you. There is no easy way to victory, but HALLELUYAH does bear you through the battle and into victory.

AARON means INITIATED or ENLIGHTENED, and it is those enlightened ones who will use HALLELUYAH to an advantage of thrusting down the idols of twisted ideas and false worship. These are the ones who have passed through the initiation processes to make them one with all the enlightened of all ages.

LEVI means JOINED, and those joined unto Yahshua are one with the Vine in whose branches flow the fullness of life. They are joined because they have cut themselves off from the idols and joined themselves only unto HIM. Their praise and HALLELUYAH have disconnected them from idols of LABOR and ANGER and joined them rather unto YAHWEH.

Plus, those that FEAR or TRUST Him have debased the idols particularly of WORRY so that they rest in His wisdom and faithfulness trusting in His goodness. They no longer see the spectres of what could be or might be, but they see only that HE will do what HE has promised. — Dethrone your idols with HALLELUYAH! HALLELUYAH!


The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Torah Class will be on an extended Sabbatical - Starting in Mid-March (exact date to be announced) - due to me needing to take a Book-writing Hiatus from Classes - this is necessary, in order for me to finish writing my book Ancient Hebrew in the Stars (which I've been working on for 2 years... way too long! lol!)  

Currently, I am planning to continue classes through March 12. For this reason, I am only asking 1/2 the regular class fee amount for the month of March. Thank you for your understanding! 

Is this a permanent end to Shauna Manfredine's online classes? After the book is finished, I prayerfully plan to reach out to everyone in the classes to restart them. I will keep you informed as plans-dates develop. 

Wednesday, March 5 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, March 10 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Torah Class - Day 40: The Ninth Commandment


Today we began our study of the Ninth Commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour." 

As was mentioned in class today, many quibble about who the neighbour is that we may not deceive or lie against...  Some suggest its not okay to lie to the brethren, but non-believers are fair game...  

Some claim that lying has its place. After all Rahab lied about the two spies...  

In today's class, we took a deep dive into the reality behind this Commandment. There are two kingdoms...  One is the Kingdom of Light and Truth. The other is the kingdom of darkness and lies.

Notably, there are no occasions when Yahweh lies. That's His Character. And Torah is about having His Character in us.

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Torah Class will be on an extended Sabbatical - Starting in Mid-March (exact date to be announced) - Due to me needing to take a Book-writing Hiatus from Classes - this is necessary, in order for me to finish writing my book Ancient Hebrew in the Stars (which I've been working on for 2 years... way too long! lol!)  

Currently, I am planning to continue classes through the completion of the Commandments and Statutes (which I estimate to be roughly mid-March). For this reason, I am only asking 1/2 the regular class fee amount for the month of March. Thank you for your understanding! 

Is this a permanent end to Shauna Manfredine's online classes? After the book is finished, I prayerfully plan to reach out to everyone in the classes to restart them. I will keep you informed as plans-dates develop. 

Monday, March 3 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 5 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, March 10 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Torah Class - Day 39: Helping Latonya and Statutes on Stealing


First, as was mentioned at the start of today's class, we are reaching out to everyone to let you know of a great need in our class. Please check out how you can help Latonya, at the following link: 

Today we continued our study of the Eighth Commandment, "Thou shalt not steal" with Statutes which deal with theft, deceit, defrauding, cheating and taking advantage.

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Monday, February 24 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 26 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, March 3 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 5 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Help Our Sister in Need: Fundraiser for Latonya


Let's Help Latonya!

Latonya, one of the precious sisters in our online class is in need of our prayers and financial help. Here's what's up...

Latonya lives in Ghana, Africa. She regularly joins classes live, so if you are part of Shauna Manfredine's online classes, you will know who she is. As you can probably imagine, the ability to make a living in Ghana is challenging. Latonya had been blessed with an apartment and a job, which are both hard to come by in Ghana. But although she is dedicated and a hard worker, her work has fallen through. But of course, bills remain...  

This naturally puts her in a bind. Without income, she could lose her housing and her ability to provide for herself or pay for internet (by which she participates in classes). Because the local economy in Ghana is poor, it looks like it will be necessary for her to re-locate, in order to cover her necessities of life. There are no available jobs at this time in her area.

Of course, prayers are needed for Latonya in this situation. Thank you, in advance, for your prayers. Scripture tells us that if a brother or sister is in need, we should do what we can through prayer and through addressing the physical need, insomuch as we are able. And this is our goal for Latonya.

James 2:15-16  "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" 

While there are no jobs or options where she is, it seems the Father has opened the doors for Latonya in a place just over 4000 miles away...  

Latonya has an elderly uncle in the Virgin Islands. He has offered her a place to live, on his property. And she has a job available near her uncle's place. But, having not had steady work for far too long, Latonya is unable to buy her plane ticket from Ghana to the Virgin Islands. She also needs to update her Visa in order to make this trip.

The good news is that a home and work are waiting for Latonya in the Virgin Islands! But, having been without work so long, she needs the prayers and support of her brothers and sisters in Messiah for the finances to get there.

Please join us in praying for Latonya's needs. And if you are able to send some finances to help her, wonderful! Please do the following:

Send funds to Latonya (every bit helps) by sending the money to us at Lighted Way Ministries, on her behalf. You may send funds in one of two ways:


If you send in a check to help Latonya, please make it out to Lighted Way Ministries (as we cannot cash it otherwise), but earmark the check for Latonya Standifer. Please be sure to write Latonya's name on the memo portion of the check (otherwise we'll have no way of knowing it's meant for her, since Lighted Way also operates on donations).


If you wish to send an online donation to help Latonya, please use the following link:

As you can imagine, this need is time sensitive. Without work, Latonya's rent and other needs are looming large. We are prayerfully hoping to be able to have enough donations to buy her plane ticket by mid-March (at the latest)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Torah Class - Day 38: Statutes on Stealing (continued)


Today we continued our study of the Eighth Commandment, "Thou shalt not steal" with Statutes which deal with theft, deceit, defrauding, cheating and taking advantage.

In our study, we saw that Statutes under No Stealing include a prohibition of kidnapping, which is "manstealing". We  also discussed how servanthood (a voluntary "employment" -with many protections for kind treatment- as a solution for debt) was acceptable in the Torah, but kidnapping and slavery (which is not voluntary, and is oppressive) were not.

We also discussed that the Statutes do not allow us to make accusations of stealing lightly. Confirmation of theft, or any crime, must be established "in the mouth of 2-3 witnesses". 

If an accidental loss of property occurs, or no witnesses are found and one cannot prove a person has stolen, his own sworn witness that he is innocent must be accepted by the accuser:

Exodus 22:10-11  If a man deliver unto his neighbour an ass, or an ox, or a sheep, or any beast, to keep; and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, no man seeing itThen shall an oath of Yahweh be between them both, that he hath not put his hand unto his neighbour's goods; and the owner of it shall accept thereof, and he shall not make it good." 

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Monday, February 24 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 26 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, March 3 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 5 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Torah Class - Day 37: Studies of Commandment 8 and its Statutes

Important Note, for Wednesday's Class (Wednesday, February 19)...  Please watch the Ray Comfort video on 180 (link at the bottom of this blog post)...  Ray uses Parable-style evangelism to break down prejudice and reach even some of the hardest hearts on the street...  The video is about Abortion... 

The parable-key, Ray uses is the Holocaust...  In Monday's Class, we will take a deep-dive into how to talk to people on the street, using Yahshua's Example, with modern application, similar to what Ray is doing... Shalom, yep, its a bit of class homework, lol! See you Monday!

Today we started our study of the Eighth Commandment our study of the Seventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not steal" with Statutes which deal with theft, deceit, defrauding, cheating and taking advantage.

Prior to this, last week, we concluded our study of the Seventh Commandment and its Statutes on Moral Purity. 

In our last set of Statutes under the 7th Commandment, we saw that bestiality and homosexuality are forbidden, in fact are called "abominations", to Yahweh.

We also saw that Yahweh does not hate the sinner, yet calls us all out of our sins. He loves all people, but He doesn't love all ideas.

As believers, loving people doesn't involve being silent and ignoring sin in the life...  the Bible calls this "suffering sin" upon them. Also, regarding the highly sensitive issue of moral purity vs homosexuality or bestiality, we are to lovingly speak up, exposing sin for what it really is. 

Leviticus 18:22-30 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.  Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these (J1) the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: (J2) And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep My Statutes and My Judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. (J3) For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep Mine Ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.”

This Statute not only requires us to walk in moral purity, personally, but also tells us to help others within our "nation" and sphere of influence (including the Stranger, which means "pagan" person)...  

This naturally brought up the good question of "how do we talk to people?" We want to convey love, not hating on people. We are to hate the sin, but not sinners - after all, "all have sinned and come short of the glory of Yahweh..." 

I mentioned that I thought one of the best examples of how to lovingly share the Truth with people in a non-judgy way is demonstrated by Ray Comfort, who is a powerful street evangelist. I also mentioned (recommended) his online video, which is about abortion, but powerfully shows how to talk to people about the Principles from God's Law. Here's the link:

And here's a bonus short video: "I'm Okay, if you Feel Offended by the Word of God..."

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Wednesday, February 19 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 24 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 26 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, March 3 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 5 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Torah Class - Day 36: Studies of Statutes 486-505 (conclusion)


Important Note, for Monday's Class (Monday, February 17)...  Please watch the Ray Comfort video on 180 (link at the bottom of this blog post)...  Ray uses Parable-style evangelism to break down prejudice and reach even some of the hardest hearts on the street...  The video is about Abortion... 

The parable-key, Ray uses is the Holocaust...  In Monday's Class, we will take a deep-dive into how to talk to people on the street, using Yahshua's Example, with modern application, similar to what Ray is doing... Shalom, yep, its a bit of class homework, lol! See you Monday!

Today we concluded our study of the Seventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" with Statutes which deal with moral purity and its relationship to godly marriage.

We studied the principles of moral purity, comparing the physical law of gravity to the carnal nature - the works of the flesh...  It is impossible for us to "fly", conquering the power of the carnal nature, without using the principles of a greater law - the law of aerodynamics, which represents the Law of the Spirit. 

Through abiding in Messiah and using the Heavenly Weapons, when tempted, we can overcome the lusts of the flesh and "fly" - or live in victory!

In our last set of Statutes under the 7th Commandment, we saw that bestiality and homosexuality are forbidden, in fact are called "abominations", to Yahweh.

We also saw that Yahweh does not hate the sinner, yet calls us all out of our sins. He loves all people, but He doesn't love all ideas.

As believers, loving people doesn't involve being silent and ignoring sin in the life...  the Bible calls this "suffering sin" upon them. Also, regarding the highly sensitive issue of moral purity vs homosexuality or bestiality, we are to lovingly speak up, exposing sin for what it really is. 

Leviticus 18:22-30 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.  Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these (J1) the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: (J2) And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. Ye shall therefore keep My Statutes and My Judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you. (J3) For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Therefore shall ye keep Mine Ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.”

This Statute not only requires us to walk in moral purity, personally, but also tells us to help others within our "nation" and sphere of influence (including the Stranger, which means "pagan" person)...  

This naturally brought up the good question of "how do we talk to people?" We want to convey love, not hating on people. We are to hate the sin, but not sinners - after all, "all have sinned and come short of the glory of Yahweh..." 

I mentioned that I thought one of the best examples of how to lovingly share the Truth with people in a non-judgy way is demonstrated by Ray Comfort, who is a powerful street evangelist. I also mentioned (recommended) his online video, which is about abortion, but powerfully shows how to talk to people about the Principles from God's Law. Here's the link:

And here's a bonus short video: "I'm Okay, if you Feel Offended by the Word of God..."

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Wednesday, February 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 17 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 19 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 24 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 26 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, March 3 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, March 5 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Torah Class - Day 35: Studies of Statutes 498-502

Today we continued our study of the Seventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" with Statutes which deal with moral purity and its relationship to godly marriage.

We discussed lasciviousness and concupiscence. And we are taking a deeper look at the Biblical principles of Moral Purity.

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Wednesday, February 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 17 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 19 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 24 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 26 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Torah Class - Day 34: Studies of Statutes 498-502

Today we continued our study of the Seventh Commandment, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" with Statutes which deal with moral purity and its relationship to godly marriage.

We discussed reprobation and its connection to sexuality. And we are taking a deeper look at the Biblical principles of Moral Purity.

The completed worksheets are available to read-print at the following link:


Upcoming Class Schedule:

Monday, February 10 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 12 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 17 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 19 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Monday, February 24 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Wednesday, February 26 - Torah Class is planned to meet (live on Zoom) at the regularly scheduled time

Spring Feast Dates...

Passover - Sunday, April 13, 2025

Unleavened Bread - April 14-20

Lighted Way Ministries Spring Retreat dates: April 13-20, 2025