Today's Reading:
Luke 17
Genesis 29:1-30
Psalm 22
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Thoughts and Commentary on Today's Reading:
In today's reading I most resonated with the message of Psalm 22. This Psalm portrays an experience that we have probably all passed through at one time or another. We've all been in dire circumstances - dark times which seemed without hope. Yet, there is a reason to hope - beyond what we can see or perceive. We hope in God.There are special chapters of the Bible, which specifically focus on certain things. For example, Hebrews 11 is known as "The Faith Chapter", 1 Corinthians 13 is known as "The Love Chapter" and Psalm 119 is the Chapter extoling "The Law of God" through all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet (alephbet) - there are 8 verses per Hebrew letter. Well, now we can add to this that Psalm 22 is "The Hope Chapter".
The word "hope" certainly appears in the Chapter, as it says in Psalm 22:9, "...Thou didst make me hope...". But I don't call this chapter "The Hope Chapter" because the term is repeated over and over. Rather, I call it "The Hope Chapter" because the concept and reason to Hope are powerfully given.
Psalm 22 is a Messianic prophesy. The Saviour's Death is foretold in this Chapter. And it is in His Death - because of His Death - and Resurrection that we have reason to Hope - Always!
At the time of the Crucifixion, Messiah cried out, "My God, My God, Why hast Thou forsaken Me?" These were the very words David was inspired to write when foretelling Christ's Experience at Calvary, in Psalm 22:1.
In Psalm 22:16, we find the prophesy that the Saviour's Hands and Feet would be pierced. And in Psalm 22:18 it is foretold that they would divide His clothes amongst themselves, casting lots to see who would win His garments.
But the Chapter ends with a powerful promise. Because of His Death and Suffering - by His stripes, we are healed - a "seed" will serve Him and be accounted as His generation of people (Psalm 22:30).
What a powerful reason to HOPE! So, no matter what you're facing, no matter how dark or dire your circumstances may seem, remember the Message and Promise of hope in Psalm 22... Remember to Hope in God!
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